6 Questions to Julz
International superstar Julz talks about his career and his future goals
In the DotA scene there is rarely a person who does not know Julius ‘Julz’ De Leon. His time under the Philippines team Happyfeet, later Mineski were legendary. His perfection of playing style made him a living idol to many within the DotA community.
We from BattleAsia set down and interviewed Julz, who is now playing for Dreamz Ledion SteelSeries and recent winner of the Pinoy Gaming Festival 201.
Hello Julz, let’s first start with you introducing yourself.
Hi I’m Julius  ‘Julz’ De Leon , 20 years old from La Loma Q.C. I started playing DotA since I was 12. I started playing DotA competitively since I was 15. The first hero that I used was Warlock, because that’s the only hero that I knew. I’ve been with team Happyfeet where we have 8 players, we always shuffle players depending on the situation we are in and then Mineski acquired us and after becoming a member of Mineski, BigDog J got me in his team “Dreamz”.
Wow! That was very interesting information about you. Now, beside playing DotA what else do you usually do when you have free time?
I usually go out together with my teammates, sometimes I hangout together with my friends, who are not necessary in competitive DotA scene!
Now being one of the top Carry / Semi-Carry in DotA scene, any tips / advice that you can give to the aspiring gamers?
I am happy that I received the Carry of the year twice and Semi-Carry for this year and I am really thankful to those who keep on believing me. Advice? Hmm, be confident on your own skill and of course in your teammates; do not let your anger affect your team and your game. Teamwork + Teamplay = Winning
Now that you will be participating in the upcoming SMM 2012, what will be your team’s preparation?
I am well prepared to battle against the international and especially the Chinese teams; I will not allow them to be the champion again. Last SMM, we just got the 3rd place so hopefully we can get the championship now. Like what others says “Bring Home the Bacon”!
Every time you go into a match, we recognize your high motivation. Where does it come from?
I must say that my close friends and my family that are very supportive to me all the time motivates and inspires me the most.
What a nice answer there. By the way, who is your favorite hero and why?
I like to use Shadow Fiend the most, it’s very fast in getting money to have a good items. Then if you have the items you need you can go wild and kill all your enemies easily. But I’m not the best SF in the Philippines.
Okay, thanks a lot for these wonderful answers and time, now its your time to say something without being asked.
Thanks for the interviewer; I would like to thank my manager Big Dog J and Leion Sir Jason Sir Wilson and our Sponsor SteelSeries Thanks for supporting us. Hi to my best friends, Bianca, Tei, Chris and Owey. Hello to all the Dota teams, iZONE, Mineski, Emaxx, Palit and MSI.
I hope you will not stop on supporting E-Sports, don’t worry for the Philippines, we will do our best to be the champion.