Tuesday… the day of interviews! LD, LGD.God & MskiLighT!
All the eSports news for Southeast Asia.
Interview with LD from BeyondTheSummit
Rapture gaming managed to grab a few words with the caster LD from BeyondTheSummit. The interview talks about the developing nature of casting and the move to LA. LD assures the SEA region that he will not be forgetting them anytime soon! The interview also talks about the relationship between LD and his former caster Luminous who is now back joining the BTS team! You can read the full interview here!
Interview with LGD.God from LGD.int
Gosugamers managed to get an interview with the DotA 2 player, God. The player joined the Chinese organization LGD.int and has moved to China. The interview gives a great insight into how the scene is so ‘serious’ in China and how being a professional DotA 2 player affects one’s social life, as God realizes that he doesn’t have one! To get an insight into the DotA 2 scene from China, read the interview here!
Interview with MskiLighT, Razer MinesChick of the month
Over at the Mineski website they are doing a cool thing where they promote women’s esports. The concept is that a different female gamer is chosen each month and an article is chosen about them where they can talk about how they got into gaming and what else they do in their personal lives. This month the interview focuses on Trisha Cueto who plays DotA and DotA 2. The interview is fairly interesting and worth a read! There are also many pictures of the gamer modelling Razer gaming hardware. Check it out here!