SeleCT retires: ‘I am too old to play RTS games.’ Changes to DotA!

SeleCT quits the Starcraft II scene but has his eyes set on DotA 2!

Kyeong Hyun ‘’ Ryoo has retired from competitive Starcraft II competition from today. The reasons stated include an ambition to get into Starcraft II punditry and act as a translator at events and an eye to try and gain a piece of the ever more lucrative pie that is evolving in the form of .

It will be interesting to see how the transition goes from professional Starcraft II action to these new endeavors, the statement that SeleCT produced with his retirement can be found below;

SeleCT: I finished high school in USA, and I was waiting for my Greencard to go to college. However, I heard sc2 open beta is out and I tried it. When I first played sc2, I was so captured by the game. The game was so smooth and fast as a RTS game. The more I play, the more I fell into the game. It was something different to other RTS games. That’s how I started sc2 competitively.

I have won quite a lot of online tournaments, and got great result on offline tournaments. When all the people cheer for you and scream your name when you are at the stage, the feeling could not be explained by word. I gained big motivation from it and it was what made me keep trying hard.

Recently, I feel that I am too old to play RTS games anymore as you get slower as you get older. Also so many young people who are fast are trying  harder than me and practicing very systematically in their team house in Korea. I feel that it is very hard for me to catch up without living and practicing in Korea. So I have decided to quit sc2 and move on to some other.

I am only quitting sc2, which means I am not retiring as a gamer  I love my life being a pro-gamer. I am actually thinking to switch back to Dota. I actually played Dota competitively before I start sc2. Back in dota 1, my team was one of the best NA team at some point. I am not sure how successful I will be as a dota player but I believe in myself.

I would like to do some pundit work and translating at events. I don’t know how awkward it will be but haha… don’t be so surprised hehe because I am such a handsome nerd that’s how you guys called me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Please keep the loves on me! I will pay you back with good and fun stuff and please cheer me up in dota 2 scene as well 

Always big thanks to team-. Always big love to my fans who cheers for me

Original Source.

Picture from vsmak.

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