Thursday round up, GSL in Bangkok approaches, Orange.HoN talk!

Rumors, news and the latest from eSports in SEA.

with MrGhost and Shuiyu from . days before the GSL event!

An interview has been conducted with MrGhost and Shuiyu from the Orange.HoN which details preparations and plans for the upcoming Star League event in Bangkok which is taking place on the 30-31st of March. It is going to be one of the first times that the NA/EU teams come over to this part of the world so should be fun! The interview also formally announces that wangwang is no longer part of the team as he is pursuing other ventures in . To read the article, click here!

Which teams can upstage the ‘ Big 3’ (, Orange and )

Time is flying and the first quarter of 2013 is drawing to a close. With all the great 2 matches we have seen, I’m glad that we didn’t all die due to the Mayan calendar running out. Rapture Gaming have put together a really nice article questioning which teams are up and coming in SEA and could potentially challenge the three main achievers. The article asks the opinions of prominent members of the gaming community such as the caster, David ‘’ Gorman and John Lim, the manager of . Definitely worthy of a read, check it out here!

Back to the -League qualifiers… shocks are coming!

-Trust and For.Love bow out of the competition losing to Rising Stars and Chain Stacks respectively, perhaps the pressure of performing with a new roster just days after a shuffle proved too much for For.Love as Chain Stacks showed a really impressive performance. Rising Stars took the series against -Trust in straight games and it really goes to show, this competition is open and one of the teams who took part in the last event, For.Love are out! Games can be seen on the BeyondTheSummit stream!

WinteR interview about the new MUFC lineup!

Don’t know if you guys saw earlier but we managed to grab a few words with WinteR about the new MUFC and DotA 2 in general, if you fancy checking it out, then follow this link!

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