Yao: “before TI2 we trained over 10 hours daily”
150,000 USD is a big check to split. A task the Chinese team LGD had to tackle after coming in third in the second installment of “The International” tournament. One of them is Yao Zhengzheng, or in Dota 2 circles also simply known as ‘Yao’.
ItsGosu.com managed to sit down with the skilled player to discus the surroundings of his and his teams success, his history before LGD, their transition from Dota 1 to Valve’s new hit and strategy related questions such as why Naga Siren is such an important factor in LGD’s games.
Actually, Naga was our primary carry. I don’t think Naga can be easily countered; in fact, she can initiate or leave a team fight due to her ultimate, as well as ensure her safety while pushing out lanes. But it’s obvious that Naga relies heavily on items, otherwise it’s hard to deal damage during team fights. So after taking Naga, we normally pick Dragon Knight or Morphling for a dual-core line up, along with nuke/stun supports for a high burst of damage.
After receiving the invitation the whole team was rejoiced; we went out for dinner that very night to celebrate. To prepare for TI2, we trained intensely; we faced almost every team invited to TI2 in scrims, as well as analyzed the teams’ styles through replays. The month before TI2 we trained over 10 hours daily.