Fumoffu: ‘GoDz looks after AUS teams’
Exclusive team interview with ex-Sequential Gaming
With the announcement of the G1-League schedule yesterday, here at BattleAsia we thought it would be fun to interview the team that qualified in third place at the recent qualifier to gain a spot in the main event and that all important chance of getting a piece of that $52,000 prize money which is up for grabs.
The team who were Sequential Gaming is run by Fumoffu and split from that organization before the start of the tournament and we asked him why this happened and also about the teams current aspirations below;
Hello Fumoffu, recently your team qualified for the G1-League and the chance of winning some of the $52,000, if you would like to introduce each member of your team and what role they play in your DotA 2 lineup?
Hi, I play as mid solo or the farmer for the team, kphoenix and I usually swap roles depending on the draft, i am also the captain of the team, cux plays mostly the hard lane solo, t-duck as the hard support and vodki as our jungler, 4th role.
I understand that you guys left the organization; Sequential Gaming just before the G1-League qualifiers, why did this split come about so close to a big tournament?
After we got invited in the G1-League qualifiers, n9 contacted me and asked me to play for The Asia in Malaysia in November so I left the team, so we disbanded for a short time, but since n9 plans changed and they don’t need me anymore as their 5th player, I decided to continue playing with my team again.
So you left the organization because you thought you would be hooking up with n9, now that is not the case do you have any regrets about leaving as you are now a team out on your own or do you see a bright future?
Sequential Gaming mainly focuses on the LoL team and some xbox and ps3 teams, we don’t get the support we need so i don’t regret leaving them, and yeah i see a bright future for the team.
Recently the G1-League qualifiers took place, how did you find the organization of the event and were you surprised when you received the invitation to compete?
Yes i was surprised to receive the invitation. I didn’t even know about that tournament. it was all thanks to GGnet Godz for recommending us to the admin of the G1-league.
That is nice of Godz to do that! I take it he wants to promote the Australian esport scene wherever possible, how is the esports scene in Australia compared to other regions?
Godz has been taking care of us since dota 1, esports in Oceania region really bad compare to other regions. Especially because we don’t have our own servers for dota2, and there’s not much tournaments here so most of the time we need to stay up till morning just to play a SEA/US/EU tournament.
I take it you play most of your games on the Singapore server then? How did you find this competing against other teams in the G1-League qualifiers? Do you think it put you at a disadvantage?
Yes, we usually play on SG and USW. I think it put us at little bit disadvantage because we get around 200-250 ping while others get 50-100 ping.
You managed to win the first game against MD 2-0 before coming unstuck against EG and lost 2-1, what went wrong in this game and do you think you can beat them in the future?
I was expecting EG to go push strat like the Americans do, but the 1st game they picked and played like Asian teams. We were not expecting that, but we still managed to make a comeback in game 1 and win. Game 2, we played the farming game as they like. We were controlling the game but i was getting cocky and got picked off twice and that cost us the game, game 3 we just got outplayed and out drafted in my opinion and yes, i think we can beat them in the future.
Awesome, you then went onto beat For.Love, a Chinese team in the final 2-0, how did you find this game and out of the three places available and three Chinese teams didn’t qualify, what did you make of the level of Chinese teams in this qualifier?
Well, mD and For.Love cannot be compared to the likes of iG and LGD. For me, I still think Chinese dota is the best.
What are your aspirations for the G1-League? Where would you be happy with coming and when does it all kick off?
For me, even getting into the playoffs is my goal for now as we in the group A, the group of death where iG, LGD, muFC and EG are. The admin gave me a tentative schedule, it says the 1st game iG vs muFC starts on october 22 at 19:00 SG time, our 1st game is against LGD on oct 23 20:00 sgtime. This is just a tentative schedule and might change if some teams request it.
Awesome thank you for your time that group does look incredibly challenging! What are your aspirations for your team in future?
To be able to join and win some big tournaments in future, like The International.
This brings the interview to a close, any shoutouts?
Lastly, shoutout to my teammates, darcy ‘ godot’ jose , and special thanks to ggnet GoDz.
Full lineup of Fumoffu’s Throws Fan Club
Kevin “Fumoffu” Sauco
Erlangga “cux” Widianarko
Egor “v0dki” Baranau
Damien “kPhoeni” Chok
Tien “t-duck” Tran