Dota 6.76: The return of Meepo, Sniper and Drow Ranger
Also lower costs on Boots of Speed and a new tag team game mode
Today we have seen a new DotA version released – this increases the version counter to 6.76. Bug fixes were introduced with the update as well as a long list of nerfs and buffs to heroes. A new game mode -tt has been added as well. It will allow players to swap between 2 heroes during a match.
-tt tag team game mode
You are assigned two random heroes (different hero classes). You choose which to start the game with. You start with the same bonus gold as all random.
You have an ability that lets you swap heroes, has a 3 minute cooldown. You can swap while your current hero is dead to resume with the other hero.
Any gold you gain is added to both heroes. Any gold you lose on current hero is lost on the other hero as well.
Each hero has their own independent item inventories. Each time you swap heroes, the XP gain is synchronized.
You have to be in the fountain to swap heroes (use -tt)
The most prominent hero buffs have been done to Sniper, Drow Ranger and Meepo. The consequence of which will be that we’re going to see now more of these heroes in regular matches.
Meepo shares now 100% of the stats. In previous versions this % ranged between 25% and 30%. A 100% sharing is now a huge boost for the micro-intense hero.
Drow Rangers whole Trueshot Aura has been reworked, as it is now a global aura which shares the drow rangers agility as bonus damage. Marksmanship has been overworked as well.
The biggest buff in this whole set goes to Sniper. The headshot skill has been improved in every possible way – higher chances, damage and ministun duration from the start. Ranges have been widened and Shrapnel vision added, as well as the range increased.
– Poof cooldown decreased from 14/12/10/8 to 12/10/8/6
– Divided We Stand Aghanims upgrade now gives clones 100% stat sharing
Drow Ranger
– Trueshot Aura and Marksmanship mechanics reworked
Trueshot Aura:
Global Aura. Gives you and all allied ranged units a portion of your agility as bonus damage.
Bonus Damage: 14/18/22/26% of your agility as damage
Note: Can be toggled on and off to affect creeps or not
Passively provides bonus agility. If there are no nearby enemy heroes, your focus improves and the bonus agility is doubled.
Bonus Agility: 20/30/40 Agility
AOE: 375 (for double bonus)
– Headshot procs cannot be evaded (the entire attack gets through)
– Headshot chance from 25/30/35/40 to 40
– Headshot damage from 30/45/60/75 to 15/40/65/90
– Headshot ministun from 0.01/0.1/0.2/0.2 to 0.25
– Assassinate cast range increased from 1500/2000/2500 to 2000/2500/3000
– Shrapnel provides vision in the targeted area
– Shrapnel cast range increased from 1200 to 1800
Other prominent changes were a complete re-work of the Forcestaff; instead of +10 Damage and +10 Attack Speed, it offers now a +3 Regeneration instead. The recipe price has been increased to +500 but overall the price of the Force staff has decreased from 2400 to 2350.
Also the lowering on the price of Boots of Speed is going to affect the chances of slow early game heroes, such as Tiny.
As always, the latest version is not to be used in tournaments, which will be still using the 6.74c version.
For the full map changelog, you can visit playdota’s website. Download the Warcraft 3 DotA 6.76 map on the official getdota.com website.