Revenant Singapore’s StarCraft II Champion

At the StarCraft II World Championship Series, held at the Funan IT Digitalife Mall, the Singaporean Zerg, , has taken down Jason ‘’ Chan in a clean two zero score.

Marcus Tan, has been the most successful player in all Real-Time-Strategy games when it comes to Singaporean gaming scene, he has been strongly pushing Singapore on the map during WarCraft III, therefore it was no surprise that he has done it again when playing StarCraft II.

Not long ago, he moved to South Korea, to live with the team of Fnatic, there he practices more regularly, with higher pressure and experiences a much more professional environment. Another boost must have resulted in the latest news from his team, Flash eSports, who managed to sign a 1 year partnership with Coolermaster, just days before the tournament started.

In the StarCraft II World Championship he has managed to win USD 4,000, runner-up Yekke still took home half of that amount and Kyzer has managed to secure 3rd place which is rewarded with USD 900.

On his way to victory Revenant took down Sweet, CVSBinu, Proann and lastly Yekke, where last mentioned stated that ‘Marcus is one of the best, if not the best Zerg in Singapore, so there is no problem losing against him’. The winner himself was quite surprised by Yekke’s performance, but the prize money must have been a motivation boost for everyone involved, as it is one of the highest prize money within the region.

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