News roundup, Pinoy controversy with Kimo & more

All the eSports news for Southeast Asia.

Kimo defends ban given by newly formed NESC

The Filipino player, Kimo who was given a ban by the NeSC, the newly formed National Coucil in the for allegedly faking a retirement for before appearing in a tournament with a different team two weeks later has spoken out about his treatment and the decision to play for another team after announcing his retirement. One of the main points to take into consideration is the fact that the actions took place during February, whereas the NeSC were formed in March and is it right for them to ban someone with a rule which didn’t exist at the time of the alleged offense. It certainly is an interesting case and you can read more about it by following this link.

Heart of the Swarm added to Summer Assembly

The PGF Summer Assembly tournament will take place on the 11-12 May and has confirmed a tournament will be taking place for Heart of the Swarm. The tournament will have a top prize of 15,000 so is sure to drag in the big names in the scene. The event should be great fun and registrations will open over at Rapturegaming closer to the event.

New tournament announced

First Blood 2 is a tournament which will be held in June this year. The tournament promises to help promote eSports around the region and is in the process of looking for more sponsors and partners so it can add bigger prizes soon. At the moment the tournament is just offering treasure keys but has explained that big names such as the teams, First Departure and will be participating. It will be interesting to see how this tournament develops in the future. You can check out all of the information about the tournament at their FB page including latest details on how to register for the event.

-League latest. dump .int out of the event

The latest game in the G1-League qualifier was DK vs . A lot was at stake in the game with the winner having one more chance to qualify for the tournament whereas the loser would be eliminated. It was the Chinese team of DK which managed to take the victory and perhaps surprise a few people but they upped their game when they had to and got the result they needed to go forward for a crucial match with for the final spot in the G1-League from the Asian region. Match reports can be seen by following this link!


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