Zenith to lose Second. Loda leaves Singapore and Zenith
The story started a couple of months ago, when Loda joined the Singaporean based team Zenith. The Swedish International moved to Singapore to be practicing and preparing himself for the 1 Million Dollar tournament, The International 2, held in Seattle, USA.
The hype around this team was big, as they were Southeast Asia’s hope to reach the goal of placing top 3 at Valve’s in-house Dota 2 tournament. After the tournament, the world was taught a lesson again, last and first season’s winner Na’Vi are still a top 2 team and the Chinese are really strong when having enough time to prepare.
The Singaporean team finished 5-6th, securing themselves still a total of USD 35,000, but directly after the tournament team-captain HyHy announced his retirement and now, it’s the foreign export Loda, who departs from not only Zenith, but also from Singapore.
Zenith’s sponsor Razer and Zenith itself announced it on their Facebook page, by also announcing the two replacing additions, namely Alan ‘alanter’ Ter and Patrick ‘LuX-‘. This roster is exactly the same as the one which won WCG Singapore earlier this year.
The current roster looks like following now:
Daryl ‘iceiceice’ Koh
Nicholas ‘xfreedom’ Lim
Toh Wai ‘xy’ Hong
Alan ‘alanter’ Ter
Patrick ‘LuX-‘ Kwan
Long live the International by joinDota – The best scenes of the International 2
With still 3 out of 5 left, Zenith is looking to do some damage to the Dota 2 scene, especially with still having the worldclass player iceiceice signed. For Loda and HyHy it was their last appearance so far in competitive gaming, but it remains a undisclosed whether at some point they will join the scene again.