Loda: ‘Offline we have great Synergy’
In the second release of Razer’s ‘Road to the International II, they have released a video interview with Jonathan ‘Loda’ Berg, who had his high during his stay with European based team of SK-Gaming.
The Swedish International moved to Singapore earlier this year, to be with his girlfriend and to join Zenith. Joining forces with his former competitor HyHy was not that hard he said, as they have knocked each other out of numerous competitions. In his words: “It’s not hard to respect someone who beat me […]”.
In Zenith Loda has taken a more passive role and let HyHy decide the picks, as it would be too hard to have many strong personalities in one group and dragging the team into different directions. His schedule in Singapore has gone extremely nerdy, as he wants to improve his skill and really be prepared for the biggest Dota 2 tournament. With 8-16 hours practice per day he is now trying to get to know every single hero in order to reach higher understanding when facing those.
As his team captain he also was complaining about the coaching situation, as he remembers the ESWC 2010 in Paris, where Ehome had DC as a coach, which made him angry due to the game drifting into unfair territories.
Picture taken from sk-gaming.com