MMA kicked out of SlayerS Team House

Today the Korean Professional StarCraft II team, named SlayerS, surprisingly announced that one of their best and strongest players alias Sung-Won ‘MMA’ Moon had been demoted to the B-Team. That not being enough, Sung-Won also had to leave the team house and was sent back home immediately.

The demotion happened yesterday, 16th July 2012, which is still surprising as an official statement by SlayerS has not been released so far. All the general audience knows is that Sung-Won will face the Korean HerO, in an official GSL Season 3 Code A (Round2) match today.

Since some time rumors have been travelling the scene that the Korean professional would like to leave SlayerS within the upcoming time and join a foreign team. Yet the contract is still valid and running and therefore an agreement would be needed in order to terminate the contract earlier.

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